The Bible was long accepted as a true and reliable account of our origins. But then Darwin's theory of evolution took the world by storm, with predictable and tragic consequences—proof that what we believe does matter.

Table of Contents

21 minutes
Darwin staked the credibility of his theory on discoveries he was sure would be found in the fossil record. After a century and a half of exploration...
Whale shark
5 minutes
A serious obstacle to evolutionary theory is the interdependent relationships between living things, called symbiosis, in which completely different...
A stack of books.
5 minutes
If you would like to dig more deeply into the case against evolution, we recommend the following books, many written by people with science...
5 minutes
In spite of much wishful thinking on the part of evolutionists, the fossil record does not and cannot be made to agree with Darwinism.
A bee on a flower stem.
6 minutes
The world around us provides compelling evidence of God's handiwork and even glimpses of his nature and character.
Dinosaur fossils embedded in a rock.
13 minutes
Although it's rarely publicized, the evidence against evolution is mounting with accumulating scientific discoveries. What societal and cutural...
A fossil.
1 minute
After years of study and research, what does the fossil record show?
A Bible lying on a table on top of paper.
2 minutes
Many passages show us that Jesus Christ and His apostles fully accepted the Genesis account of the creation.
A person looking through a microscope.
18 minutes
A fundamental premise of Darwinian evolution is the belief in natural selection driving change in species. Now, after decades of detailed study of...
Salmon swimming upstream.
12 minutes
Darwin wrote that his theory would break down if it could be shown that animals had complex features that could not have developed by many gradual...
A little baby.
7 minutes
The Bible was long accepted as a true and reliable account of our origins. But then Darwin’s theory of evolution took the world by storm, with...
A night sky filled with stars.
2 minutes
A word of caution on the use of the term evolution: It can mean different things to different people.
A photo of the Earth and moon from space.
6 minutes
The creation narrative in Genesis 1 hangs first on the 24-hour day, then on the seven-day week.
Louis Pasteur, Wernher von Braun and Francis Collins
4 minutes
Consider what some luminaries in science have said about creation and evolution.
A Chihuahuas dog.
2 minutes
Adaptation within a species is called microevolution. Macroevolution is the change from one distinct species to another.
Prisoners in a concentration camp.
3 minutes
The consequences of accepting Darwinian theory have been profound. Enormous moral and social damage has been wrought in classrooms and to society.
Supernova Remnant
5 minutes
Is the Genesis account only an ancient myth, no better than tales originating in other cultures over the millennia?
Close up of a human eye.
3 minutes
Charles Darwin described the eye as one of the greatest challenges to his theory. How could he explain it? The eye, after all, is simply incompatible...
An open Bible laying on a table.
13 minutes
Many people dismiss the biblical account of creation, thinking it contradicts scientific discoveries made in recent centuries. But is that really the...
Temple of Zeus - Ancient Nemea, Greece
2 minutes
The ancient Greeks had no shortage of creation myths, with many elements taken from the Babylonian model.
Red blood cells trapped in a fibrin network in a blood clot
1 minute
One relatively simple process necessary for animal life is the ability for blood to clot to seal a wound and prevent an injured animal (or person)...
A photo of the earth from space.
5 minutes
Do other passages, as well as history, shed any light on this question?