Making Life Work

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Looking for some good advice? You may not realize it, but you probably already own the best self-help book ever published, one that's loaded with practical guidance to help you achieve success in your career, friendships, finances, family and every other aspect of life. That book is your Bible. We've prepared this guide, Making Life Work, to help you discover the Bible's principles for success.

Table of Contents

A person holding a Bible.
5 minutes
You probably already own the best self-help book ever published—the Bible. It's filled with practical guidance on how to make your life work!
An elderly couple walking together.
4 minutes
Life without love is ultimately life without meaning. Love is a primary element of a human life.
A dad and son playing at a park.
10 minutes
God's Word reveals a great deal about this crucial subject, and parents can discover a wealth of guidance for how to bring up happy, successful...
A family with a baby laying on blanket outside playing.
12 minutes
A loving family is one of life's greatest blessings. But it doesn't just happen. Scripture reveals the keys that can help you enjoy a strong, happy...
Two women laughing and talking together.
4 minutes
God designed us to need other people—to form, maintain and enjoy good relationships with others. What does God's Word tell us about friendships?
A couple holding hands showing their wedding rings.
20 minutes
A strong marriage is the foundation for a strong family. What does the Bible reveal about dating, love and building a successful marriage?
A group of people working together at a table using laptops.
12 minutes
Although written centuries ago, the Bible contains time-tested and proven principles for success in your job and career. What are its key principles?
Money bills, coins and credit cards.
10 minutes
It seems that all of us could use help with our finances and financial management. Many principles have been there all along in the pages of Scripture...
Bible, notebook and pen on a table.
3 minutes
One of the best sources of timeless financial advice and guidance is the book of Proverbs.
A grandfather holding his little grandaughter's hands.
27 minutes
We all want to enjoy good health and avoid sickness and injury. So why not follow the health guidance our Creator gave in His instruction manual?
A young man sitting against a rock wall.
15 minutes
Why are you here? Why were you born? Perhaps the most important key to making life work lies in understanding God's great purpose for you!