The Gospel of the Kingdom

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Would you like to learn more about the glorious future Jesus Christ will usher in at His return called the Kingdom of God? Dozens of prophecies tell us how the world will be entirely transformed and all humanity taught a way of life that will bring peace, prosperity and productive, fulfilling lives.

Table of Contents

A group of frail looking people.
4 minutes
The gospel of the Kingdom of God is the message Jesus Christ instructs His followers to believe.
A Bible laying on a table.
2 minutes
Many people believe Jesus Christ taught that the Kingdom of God is something that exists only in the hearts and minds of believers. Such assumptions...
A person reading a Bible.
9 minutes
The theme of Jesus Christ's gospel message was the good news of the Kingdom of God.
A person holding a Bible.
3 minutes
Prophecies about the marvelous world God has planned for us, the Kingdom of God.
An open Bible laying on a table.
3 minutes
Scripture occasionally calls the gospel by names other than the gospel of the kingdom of God. For instance, the Bible speaks of the gospel of Christ...
A man praying over his Bible.
8 minutes
Do you know how to enter the Kingdom of God?
An open Bible laying on a table.
2 minutes
Most often called the Kingdom of God, occasionally other terms are used in describing the Kingdom.
Bible laying on top of a table
1 minute
The Bible never uses the term kingdom to apply directly to the Church.
Sun rays shining over hills.
14 minutes
Jesus Christ and the apostles preached the gospel, the good news of the Kingdom of God. But exactly what is that Kingdom?
Bible laying on top of a table.
5 minutes
What was Jesus Christ's purpose? Why did He come to earth? Why will He come again?
Bible laying on top of a table
3 minutes
Colossians 1:13 describes physical saints as already having been translated into the Kingdom.
Crown of thorns, old nails and old hammer.
8 minutes
Eternal life in the Kingdom of God was made possible by Jesus Christ's sacrifice.
A person holding a Bible.
2 minutes
Jesus Christ's message was that people should repent, believe the good news that He brought and put that message into action, changing their lives to...
A Bible stacked on top of papers laying on a table.
3 minutes
Jesus Christ made it plain that the Kingdom of God was not here yet.