The Ten Commandments

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Don't you think it's about time you learned what the 10 Commandments are all about? Sadly, most people know little about the Ten Commandments or where to find them in the Bible (read Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5). Few people can name more than three or four of them. Those who take the time to study the commandments find they're not a list of "Do nots," but are in fact God's guide to the good life—a life full of blessings. That's why the Bible calls them "the royal law" and "the law of liberty." There's much more to these commandments than meets the eye. They're not just God's way of preventing us from having a good time. The commandments are relevant to us today and are designed to protect us, our families and our communities. They're a guide to transforming the way we think, what we do and how we live. They truly are ten keys to a successful and happy life! Learn more about God's Commandments and how you can begin having a life full of blessings.

Table of Contents

A grandma, mom and little boy.
9 minutes
5. "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you." The primary focus of the Fifth...
Upclose of angry eyes of a person.
8 minutes
6. "You shall not murder." Who possesses the authority to take human life? Who has the right to make that decision? The emphasis in the Sixth...
A young woman looking over a crowded city.
2 minutes
How can we honor parents or grandparents whose behavior is unworthy of admiration? How can we apply this commandment to them?
A group of people studying the Bible.
2 minutes
Does this new commandment supersede the Ten Commandments and replace all other biblical laws?
Hands holding chains.
13 minutes
Many religious people embrace the idea of loving others as themselves but remain blissfully unaware of how the Bible defines love. As a result, they...
A young married couple hugging each other.
11 minutes
7. "You shall not commit adultery." Unless the natural desires that attract us to members of the opposite sex are channeled exclusively toward a...
Bible on a book shelf.
4 minutes
Jesus Christ and the apostles viewed the Commandments as a necessary part of Christian living.
11 minutes
1. "You shall have no other gods before Me." Establishing, developing and maintaining that personal relationship with the true and living God is the...
A man ready to break into a house and steal.
9 minutes
8. "You shall not steal." The Eighth Commandment safeguards everyone's right to legitimately acquire and own property. God wants that right honored...
Setting sun
11 minutes
4. "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." The Fourth Commandment, to remember the Sabbath, concludes the section of the Commandments that...
Man standing in a field.
2 minutes
Do we realize how fragile our existence is, how constantly dependent we are on God’s care?
A man praying.
9 minutes
9. "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." How important is truth? To fully appreciate the Ninth Commandment, with its prohibition...
Bible infographic - The Ten Commandments
2 minutes
Do you have a difficult time remembering the Ten Commandments recorded in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5? Are you trying to teach your kids God's...
Woman praying to Mother Mary and baby Jesus painting.
12 minutes
2. "You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is...
Spending time with a older lady in wheelchair.
10 minutes
10. "You shall not covet." The last of the Commandments—against coveting—is aimed directly at the heart and mind of every human being. In prohibiting...
Cover of a Bible
2 minutes
The Bible uses a variety of names for God. He calls things what they are, and He calls Himself what He is.
A Bible opened to beginning of the New Testament.
9 minutes
Does it matter whether we obey the Commandments? Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could ask Jesus Christ if keeping the Commandments is still necessary...
Couple arguing
13 minutes
3. "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain." The use of God's...
Open Bible
4 minutes
God's grace through faith requires a law that defines the sins that are to be forgiven.