
What does God say about unborn babies? Is abortion a sin?

Magazine Issue

Compass Check: Summer 2021

Do you ever get hard questions in life? I don’t mean things like, solve for x when x 2+2x+1 = 4, but questions about life. As a pastor, I get hard questions all of the time, and to be honest...
A woman holding a baby.

Heartbeats Never Lie

Unwanted pregnancies can be painful on many levels for all involved. What can you do if you find yourself or a loved one in this situation?
A sad woman sitting on the floor in a hallway.

Abortion’s Other Victims

The sin of abortion often leads to years of terrible regret, guilt and shame. Yet through God there is forgiveness, love and hope. A woman shares her personal experience of this trauma and lays out a pathway forward.
A baby fetus.

The Silent Epidemic

A deadly yet silent killer rages throughout the world. Every year it takes more than 40 million precious human lives. Just what is this terrible plague, and what must be done to safeguard the most vulnerable among us?
Magazine Issue

Beyond Today Magazine: May–June 2021

For the last year the world has dealt with the scourge of Covid-19, a disease that has dominated the headlines as well as our individual lives. Yet a far deadlier plague infects our world, exacting a far greater death toll...
Erasing an illustration of a fetus.

Current Events & Trends

An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the March/April 2021 issue of Beyond Today.
Media Production

Every Life, a Gift to the World

Abortion has, effectively, silenced an entire generation, but God's word tells us that every life is precious. As Christians we must support efforts that allow children to be born and to live in loving homes.
A woman looking out a window when it is raining.

Abortion Culture

Most of the people in this country did not understand the devastation that was going to follow Roe v. Wade. Babies are now having their lives taken inside the womb, or in what is called a partial birth abortion, all...

The Biblical Perspective on Abortion

Taking a look at examples on the Bible that support the Pro-Life stance on abortion.

In Defense of the Unborn

Dave Cook reflects on the holocaust and how the affects of that even play into the lie portrayed about abortion in our country (and the world) today after Roe versus Wade which made it legal.