
Accountability 100 plus Zero

Look at "accountability" examples in the Bible and how it affects us in our daily lives and as Christians. What does God expect from us and what are we accountable for?

Stir Up Your Pure Mind

The purpose of 2 Peter 3 is to stir up your pure mind. It is a reminder of something already in us. What kind of people will we be and are we hastening the day by searching for truth?

Having The Best Summer Ever

Solomon told us how to enjoy life with the reminder that we have to make responsible choices.

God on Goals - What Does the Next Year Hold For You?

Living without having planning ahead can lead to frustration and a life with achievement. In this sermon before the combined Atlanta and Buford GA congregations, Philip Aust, pastor of the two churches, discusses how we can set goals in our…

With Responsibility Comes Accountability

Christians today do not take their responsibility to God seriously. General secular Christianity is not studying their bibles like they should and eventually these trends that permeate God’s church. We have a tremendous responsibility to God. We are expected to…

Accountability for Youth and Adults

The lifeblood of the church depends on the family. We should be teaching our children accountability from a very young age. The greatest challenge for young and old alike is closing the gap between what we know and what we…

True freedom requires personal accountability

True freedom requires personal accountability: The problem with freedom is that we need to accept the consequences of our good choices and the consequences of our bad choices. Many trade their freedom to govern themselves, for the safety they feel…

Freedom Requires Personal Accountability

It is only when ALL hold themselves personally accountable to the truth, to govern themselves under the same righteous law of God, that ALL will be free.

God - the Perfect Accountant

God is a God of accountability. Throughout His Word accountability is woven and affects our relationship with God. As Christians do we welcome accountability... being accountable to God?

Accountability and High Calling of God

At what point do we become accountable for what we know and understand? What defines accountability from God's perspective? We explore the surprising truth as revealed in scripture.