
If My People

Could America have a leader that could call the country to Repentance? Would God Relent and Bless this country again? What should we be praying for now?

Message for America

The world is changing at a faster and faster rate and America is in the middle of it. What does the God say about the times in which we live? What is the message that the Church is bringing to…
The hosts of Beyond Today: Steve Myers, Darris McNeely and Gary Petty.

Why America: The Time Is Now?

The United Church of God has now completed eight America: The Time Is Now! live Beyond Today events in major U.S. cities.
A framed old American flag hanging on a museum wall.

Will America Be Great Again?

We are in a grave moment in the world. Something is happening in America; people are worried the nation is nearing the point of no return. What is happening, and what does it mean? And what can you do?

America the Time is Now Promotion - San Antonio, Texas

In this message Mr. McNeely brings information about the current campaign soon underway in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. The message planned for these cities is a message that is planned to America as a whole. This campaign will bring…

The 7 Reasons - no, 8 Reasons - America Became a Great Power

The Middle East on a globe.

Lines in the Sand

America considers what it’s lost as Iraq struggles to redefine itself within the ever-boiling cauldron of the Middle East.
How Long Does America Have?

How Long Does America Have?

From Genesis to Revelation the Bible is full of godly warnings. Prior to punishing His people, God has always warned them beforehand of His intentions. Tragic occurrences normally come after people have first been warned.
Is America Sliding Into Permanent National Decline?

Is America Sliding Into Permanent National Decline?

Although some observers are still predicting a substantial national recovery, a more sobering factual analysis clearly points in the opposite direction. Did the Bible foresee America's rise to world leadership and its subsequent national decline more than two millennia ago?

Current Events & Trends

The United States certainly appears to be undergoing a terminal decline that could possibly lead to the biblically prophesied time of Jacob's (or Israel's) trouble (Jeremiah 30:7).