Media Production

Seasoned with Salt

The apostle Paul uses an analogy about salt to remind us how to speak to one another.
Media Production

Redeem the Time!

How have you used the extra time during the pandemic shutdowns?
Media Production

Be Vigilant and Watchful

Stay focused and be persistent when praying and seeking God.
Media Production

The Christian Marathon

How well are we running? Do we keep our eye on the finish line?

God's Model for New Covenant Marriage

What does it mean for a Husband to be "head" of the wife? Many have abused this scripture in the past and it is important for us to understand what this means.
Media Production

"World Turned Upside Down"

A special song was played at a key moment in America's Revolutionary War. The origin of this song points us to a great spiritual lesson.

The Secret of Contentment

The emotion of contentment is often underrated. However, the Bible says it is an essential emotion in the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ. Let's examine Philippians 4 regarding what the apostle Paul penned on this important subject.
Media Production

Don't Freeze!

What spiritual lesson can we draw from the process of hypothermia?

John's Letters Versus the Heresy

This is a summary of what John's gnostic opposition was like as he battled it in Paul's churches during the 80's AD. And reasons to believe that this was the same opposition that Paul himself had battled starting thirty years…

Comparing the Two Sauls

Which Saul would you choose to be like in the end?