
Importance of Sabbath Keeping

A look forward to the fulfilling of God’s Sabbaths – weekly and annual and keeping our eyes on the goal of the Kingdom of God.

Extremely Blessed

We are called to come out of sin and not just put away sin, but replace sin with righteousness/godliness. Are we excited about living this way? God sees this, as us being extremely blessed. Do we see it this way?

We Are Blessed

Ever pray for something and receive it then you don’t handle them very well? We ask God for blessings many times and God blesses us and then He expects you to step up to the plate. He watches to see…

Blessed are the Peacemakers Part 2

Godly relationships can be beneficial and can result in much good and benefits to others. However if relationships do not follow the principles of scripture, they can cause much harm and disaster to others. This sermon addresses the responsibility a…

Hunger and Thirst and Be Filled

We are blessed for seeking after righteousness and serving God with all our heart. God blesses those who seek Him,by filling us with Spiritual food.

Dimensions of God's Blessing

God commits to us the gift of blessings: for us, in us, and through us.


Are we blessed because we have a good job, or a nice house, or a healthy child? What about those who don't? What is blessing and do we understand it as we should?

Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus began by giving The Beatitudes. One of these Beatitudes, or Christian character traits, is purity. Purity is a very important trait to God and one we must all work towards with His help.

Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

Part 6 of the beatitude series. In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus began by giving The Beatitudes. One of these Beatitudes, or Christian character traits, is purity. Purity is a very important trait to God and one we must…

Blessed Are the Merciful

Part 5 of the beattitude series from Mr. Cowan