
Children Really are a Blessing

As Christ pointed out, we must become like little children if we are to be given entrance into the Kingdom of God. Here are nine ways, nine spiritual blessings of becoming like little children.

Supremely Blessed

“Blessed” can be an overused word in society today. Do we appreciate God’s blessing and do we understand who is blessing is upon? How does the Old Testament “blessing” differ from the New Testament “blessing” of which Christ spoke for…

Blessing Of the Little Children

Blessing Of the Little Children. Keshawn Kennedy - performed by Joe Horchak, Sacramento 10/13/2018

Become as Little Children

When we do the ceremony of the Blessing of the Little Children, there are powerful lessons for us too! Is is about us as Christians - and how need to approach our lives and attitudes, as little ones trusting and…

Love Your Enemies

Kirk Talbott discusses the difficulty we have in actually loving our enemies as Christ commanded and compares it with the love that we naturally have for children.

Going on to Perfection

The laying on of hands is part of a ceremony to give authority from God. It's also used in anointing and healing, and the blessing of little children. The prescribed uses that the early church under God's leadership put into…

Laying on of Hands

The doctrine of Laying on of Hands is an integral part of God’s Church because it shows that God works and deals with mankind through fallible, imperfect human beings He chooses and sets apart for His purpose.

Whoever Humbles Himself As a Little Child

Today we had a simple ceremony that reminded us of the kind of attitude that will inherit the family of God… the Kingdom of God. Let us remember the positive child-like qualities that please God and make it possible for…

The Heart of God

A deeper and expanded meaning of Christ’s blessing of little children and how the heart of David reveals the heart of God.

Blessing of the Little Children

The Church has a tradition that has a lesson for each one of us to learn. This is based on at least one event in Christ's life recorded for us in God's Word.