
Brexit is a term used for the United Kingdom's planned withdrawal from the European Union. The word is a combination of "Britain" and "exit".

Media Production

Brexit: Part 3 - A Rise of a Global Power

Nationalism is having a resurgence right now. But Bible prophecy shows that in the end, a global power and authority will rise to restore order and a sense of unity to the world in the final hours before the return...
Media Production

Brexit: Part 2 - Trump + Putin + Brexit =?

What is taking place today, from the perspective of Bible prophecy, with Brexit and some of the other issues on the larger world scene?
Media Production

Brexit: Part 1 - An Official Reality

On March 29, 2017, the United Kingdom officially began the process of removing itself from the European Union.
The White Cliffs of Dover are cliffs that form part of the English coastline facing the Strait of Dover and France.

The Ancient Brits Leave Modern Europe

The shock waves have died down, but the effects will continue. The British people voted to leave the European Union, and it came as a great surprise to many, including even the British government under then-Prime Minister David Cameron. But...
Night scene in London, England with the Big Ben Tower in the back ground.

Is a British Exit from the European Union Required to Fulfill Bible Prophecy?

While it appears that Brexit will proceed, we should realize that it’s not a foregone conclusion that Britain will actually exit the European Union. And even if it does, it may still be significantly entangled and subject to EU rules.
On the towers of the Tower Bridge in London.

Why Brexit Matters for Europe and for You

Britain’s vote to leave the European Union shocked the nation’s and the continent’s political elites. What’s behind it? And what does it mean for Britain and Europe as a whole?
London with Big Ben tower in the background.

Current Events & Trends

In a June 2016 referendum, 52 percent of the British people voted for Brexit—Britain’s exit from the European Union—leading to the resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron, an advocate of Britain staying in the EU. Incoming Prime Minister Theresa May...
Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany

Current Events & Trends

The Brexit vote in Britain to leave the European Union has provoked a great deal of anger at Britain by many in Europe, but it has also served as encouragement to many other Europeans to focus on preserving their own...
La grande cloche Big Ben à Londres


The European Union (EU) was formed to promote peace, prosperity and economic and political union throughout Europe. But the recent British exit vote (Brexit) has thrown those assumptions into doubt. What does the future hold for Europe?
The Shard skyscraper in London, England.

Message To Great Britain

Behind the Brexit vote is the historical reality and prophetic legacy of Europe's power structure. What does it mean for Britain and the EU moving forward?