
Build God's Temple

The Bible shows that we are are to build a spiritual Temple. Scripture reveals that 'we' are the Temple of the Living God. Join this study to discover why and how God is building His spiritual Temple - His people…

The Matrix Parallels

A look at the movie The Matrix and the parallels of our christian journey. Just like the main character in the movie, we have a choice to make. Do we follow the way of this world, a world that is…

Unless the LORD Builds

Building and maintenance can become a wearying task and can even require for more than was bargained to do. Is it worth it, whether making the bed or scrubbing the decay of our character?
Is Honesty a Rarity?

Is Honesty a Rarity?

Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 8

Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 8

Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 7

Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 7

Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 6

Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 6


The Future of the Dollar


Getting Started

You can't have an end without a beginning.

The Golden Rule

Boy Scouts of America was formed because of “one good turn.” If we all practiced the Golden Rule, what a wonderful world we would live in.