
The Power of Humility

Mark 10:15 Why is the humility of a child so necessary for entering into the Kingdom of God?

Like a Child

Most children are not afraid to say what they believe. Do we have the faith of a child who has been reared to trust & love God?

Child-like not Child-ish

Are we developing the attitude of a little child? Christ emphasizes we are to be as little children in attitude. We are to be child-like and not child-ish. How are we doing and how can we improve?

Children Are a Gift, a Reward, From God.

If we are God’s children He expects us to behave like His children, to be like God is. That’s what’s required, We need to cherish our children, they are a wonderful gift from God.

Unity at the Top

In this first of a 5 part series, Mr. Fahey discusses the importance of unity at the top to successful child-rearing.
Father in the house

Father in the house

What does the Bible have to say about our relationship with our Heavenly Father?
Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story

Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 2

Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 1

Grandad & Nanna's Bible Story - Chapter 1

Child of God

Child of God


Treasure Digest

What is the proper, Christian way to handle injustice?