
The Second Commandment

The second command refers to the use of pictures, statues, and other false representations to depict the true Creator God. Lifeless pictures and statues distort and diminish our understanding of the living God and also limit our understanding of our…

Keeping the Sabbath Holy

How we can avoid customary work on the Sabbath? What is customary work? Is some "work" acceptable on the Sabbath?

Antidote to Coveting

The sin of coveting has been the downfall of many --- men and angels alike! What can we do to keep this spiritual poison from destroying our lives?

Follow Me

Jesus Christ tells us to follow Him if we desire eternal life. He gave us the example of doing the will of the Father = The keeping of the first great commandment. The second commandment of loving others as yourself…

Follow Me

Jesus Christ tells us to follow Him if we desire eternal life. He gave us the example of doing the will of the Father = The keeping of the first great commandment. The second commandment of loving others as yourself…

Glory to God

We are given several commands in the bible, one is to give glory to God. What can we do to show glory to God.

Spirits in My name

We've no doubt read the stories about Jesus and the disciples casting out unclean spirits. These were literal, real events and display the awesome power of our God. But have you ever considered how these acts apply to our own…

Living the 2nd Great Commandment

The second greatest commandment encompasses loving one another. Getting along with each other is paramount in keeping this commandment, and the book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" mentions several points that reflect Biblical teachings about getting along with…

Do You Know Where You're Going?

Be very careful about your past, your future depends on it.

The Sixth Commandment

We will consider the sixth commandment from a wide perspective that begins with how things were before God created anything that was made. We'll follow this thread as the various stages unfold, to see in the Scriptures how murder was…