
Two Loves

Love is the underlying motive for kindness, human love and Godly. God demonstrates His kindness, His own love toward us in while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Let's make kindness (Love) contagious.

The First Commandment; Idolatry

The 10 Commandments are a package deal. They are organized in a specific manner, and breaking one of the commandments ends up breaking them all. All the commandments can relate to breaking the command against idolatry, which is rampant in…

The Fear of the Lord

In Ecclesiastes, Solomon was inspired to write that the conclusion of the matter is “to fear God and keep his commandments.”

Good News about Labor in the Bible

On this Labor Day weekend, the pastor provides proof that the Bible and its laws respect the worker or citizen more than any man-made code of laws. He reviews scriptures regarding the Sabbath, Jubilee year, marriage and service. Mr. Seiglie…
Uma pessoa andando em vigas de madeira pela floresta.

Does God Place Conditions on His Gift of Salvation?

Eternal life is God’s gift of grace, not something any of us deserve or can in any way earn.

The Royal Law of Love

Without a doubt LOVE is the very heart of our belief system. But what is love? What does it look like? How can I know it when I see it? Is there anything I can do to walk in loving…

What's so bad about lying?

What does God say about lying? What is the end result for those who do not overcome lying? In this message we will look at the ninth commandment and the importance of obeying it.

Are we Reaping the full Benefits of God's Sabbath?

Do we truly get all that we can from the Sabbath each week?

The Day of Firstfruits

Being called to become a Firstfruit involves a process that incurs greater challenges, coupled with greater opportunities and a greater reward. Determine to boldly make the journey of a lifetime to spend eternity in a manner that will be unparalleled.

Do I Love God?

God shows us how we are to love Him and how we are to love one another.