
Strengthen Courage

God’s people need to be spiritually strong and courageous.

How Do You Feel?

When we overcome challenges by the help of God, our faith grows strengthened in Him. As such, we must never cower in the face of challenges. Rather, we face them head-on, being bold in the Lord.

Be Strong and of Good Courage

As we approach the Days of Unleavened Bread, let's look at how it takes Courage to be able to get sin out of our lives and begin to put the Unleavened bread of Sincerity and truth into our lives.

Why Moses Couldn't Enter the Promise Land

This sermon focuses on three reasons Moses was not able to enter the Promised Land, and the lessons we can learn from this remarkable account. We are on a journey to a spiritual destination, and the lessons we can learn…

Have Strong Courage

Courage is vital requirement for pleasing God. In this message we will see three attributes to show us the importance of this in our spiritual growth to please God.

Be Strong and of Great Courage

Focus on God's Kingdom with courage. Make sure we ask God for help in having courage.

Joshua, Felix and Emergent "C"

In 2014, a skydiver set a new world's record for both height and speed as he jumped through the stratosphere from a balloon. In this sermon, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses his amazing feat in…

God's Wonder Woman

The story of Deborah, judge of Israel, shows the incredible faith in God required by all of us.

Transforming Discouragement into Courage

Three ways that we can transform our discouragement into courage.

Cowards and Courage

Sometimes we are presented with situations that require courage to do right. We can either respond with the appropriate amount of courage in big moments or we can be a coward. The Bible is full of examples of courage and…