
Teetering on the Edge of a Cliff-What Is a Person to Do?

In this turbulent era following a very heated election many in the world breathe a sigh of relief, while others are bitter and angry. What does it mean for us as Christians? Do we get caught up in the ways…

How to Deal With a Crisis

We all face crisis situations at times- as individuals, as a nation, as individual congregations and as an overall church organization. What does scripture say when it comes to dealing with a crisis? What is the definition of a crisis…

How to Deal With a Crisis

There will always be crises in our life. We need to deal with these crises properly.

Are You Worried About the Economy?

Personal and national fears, anxiety and anger skyrocketed over the past few weeks as American politicians fell to verbal blows.

In Brief World News Review

Family farms will likely be lost.

World News and Trends

On the surface, March was a very good month for the ambitions of President Barack Obama. First the health-care legislation he called for passed the U.S. Congress, and shortly afterwards a deal to reduce nuclear arsenals was concluded with Russia.

World News and Trends

Notice these sobering words from The Wall Street Journal: "Never in the World Economic Forum's 40-year history have business and political leaders gathered in Davos [Switzerland] with so many pressing issues to discuss" ("A World of Troubles," Feb. 3, 2010...

Grind or Shine?

How we choose to handle hard times is a key choice.

US May Lose Financial Leadership