
European Financial Crisis May Result in Significant Political Changes

As European leaders talk of the need for greater integration of their finances, some countries may have to leave the eurozone. Could this lead to a two-tiered Europe, with a solid core of nations built around Germany and German principles...


The news of our world gives us little hope at times. Focus your eyes beyond today and on a future defined by God's promises.

Integration or Disintegration

The growing debt crisis in Europe is straining the monetary union and even the European Union itself. Europe has arrived at a crossroads. Which way will it turn?

Financial Crisis Crushing Britain

What does the future hold for Britain in the wake of the current financial crisis?
Close up of United States quarter displaying the phrase "In God We Trust".

This Is the Way Walk in It

Like many Americans, almost all of my life I have carried coins in my pocket. These small pieces of metal make a statement about trust.

Is America Living Up to God's Standards?

The Bible is clear about basic morality. How is the United States doing?

The Falling Dollar


The Housing Bubble

The housing market has buoyed the economy in recent times. But this growth has been spurred in part by increasingly risky loans. What happens when the bubble bursts?

A Downsized Lifestyle Is Coming Will You Make the Adjustment

Our world is changing in ways we never considered. The dominance that affluent nations have enjoyed is about to end. Will peoples of the rich world downsize their lifestyle? Will people who have rarely if ever had to "tighten their...

Germany's Record Unemployment and Political Change

Reaching the 5 million unemployed mark had an immediate impact on Germany's national confidence. In a poll taken a couple of days after the unemployment figures were released, 85 percent of the Germans surveyed expressed concern for their personal future.