
Cosmic Turbulence in End Time Bible Prophecy – Part 1

This is part 1 of a 2 part sermon. Bible prophecy explains that what will occur in outer space in the time leading up to Jesus Christ’s second coming will directly affect the lives of every person on earth. In…

Modern Day; Ephraim, Manasseh and Judas's Future

God eventually has a bright future for everyone. Yet modern day Israel's immediate future is not good. Why? Because of their continued disobedience to God. Let’s look at the scriptures and see some of the things that God reveals to…

Are We Aware of the Times?

Why do calamities happen, and why must so many people suffer? Countless catastrophes through history come, with ample warning, but typically people do nothing to avoid trouble. Jesus derided the people because they could tell when it was going to…

Approaching The End

"The End" is coming. Where are we in the timeline of Bible Prophecy leading up to The End? Why does God provide us with End Time prophesies? How should we prepare for "The End?" What even is "The End?"

Earthquakes in End Time Bible Prophecy parts 1&2

This is an amazing Sermon Parts 1 & 2 on end time Bible prophecy. Are there more earthquakes in the end times than other times? This answer to this question and many more in this eye opening message by Mr…

Is there a Place of refuge for God’s People

Does the Bible actually say there is a place of safety to which end time saints flee, and does scripture identify a specific location. Will God protect His people where ever they may be? We will explore the answers to…

Brace For Impact

We live in a time of unprecedented trouble in our world. Will we heed the warnings of many who say we should be bracing for a great societal impact, or will we scoff and ignore the signs?

As it Was in Time of Noah

Our world today is very similar to the time before Noah. Christ tells us that the earth in the end time will be much like the world society before the flood. It is a very evil world and people want…

The Seven Seals of Revelation

A key to understanding Bible prophecy is understanding the Book of Revelation. The seven seals of Revelation coordinate with other passages and help us to understand the timing and order of the events of the end time.

Are We Prepared?

With all the things that are going on around us in this world and, as we see the Day approaching, are we prepared?