
Keep the Light Burning

How has the golden lamp in the ancient tabernacle continued to shine its light since its inception? Never discount the value and impact of your personal example to help others find their way to God.

Reform Before Reforming

The Bible is clear that God's people are to be beacons of light to others in this world. We are to help bring people to God according to His calling. But in order to help others change and reform themselves…

The 4th Commandment

When God tells us to "remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy" what is He saying? How do we remember the Sabbath? Are we free to chose any day of the week to worship God or has God chosen…

Does God Approve of Military Service and War?

God will soon solve all this world's woes. He will end all war and killing; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. The former things will have passed away and there will no longer be a need…

The Real Nativity Story

There are many stories that we commonly accept today about the Christmas holiday: The story of Santa tied closely to the three wise men, the birth of Jesus in a stable because there was no room in the Inn, and…


Jesus Christ was humble. There are many examples of God's servants being humble. We should follow Christ's example and those of God's servants.

Semper Fidelis

The U.S. Marine Corps has a motto of " Semper Fidelis". The term also characterizes the Church of God and it should be a vital characteristic of our walk with God. We must be faithful through good times and bad…

Standards God Provides For His People

How are we to be lights to the world? What do we need to do to be a living gospel message? This sermon covers only two Godly standards we must live up to, so that we may be a living…

The Mind of Christ

We say we want the mind of Christ living in us. What does that mean? John 6:38 says; Doing the will of the Father was a prime focus. We will look at some scriptural examples to see what Christ did…

Lessons from Uzzah

Many today feel that the story of Uzzah reveals a cruel, vindictive God. Yet what this story really reveals is a patient God whose clear instructions were ignored time and time again, yet God allowed Uzzah to exercise his free…