
Our Family Introduction

This message is an introduction to the Duran family and includes insights into how God calls first and second generations, how marriages are sacred and picture the relationship of Christ and Church and how working with our children teach us…

How Can We Have a Successful Christian Family?

How important is family to God? What can we do to help our children stay in the church? What can we do to help our whole family be in the Kingdom of God? A successful Christian family always keeps the…

The Kingdom of God

During the Feast of Tabernacles, many celebrate family and enjoy time together. As we celebrate family during family day, can a more spiritual realization be found than just physical family?

The Family Foundation

The family structure continues to be attacked. Satan has perpetrated his lies on this society to destroy the family unit.

Renewal, Instruction, and Training in the "Paideia" of God's Way

Our society benefits greatly from those that have gone before us; inventors, philosophers, mathematicians, linguists, and biblical teachers. Over the generations discoveries and efforts of those men of character and perseverance have grown into dominant features of our lives. They…

Taking God's Name

David Jones discusses what it means to take on God's name, being adopted into His spiritual family and taking on His character through his own personal story of his past.

8 Truths You Need To Know For a Godly Family

The institution of marriage is under attack and we must defend it. Build and defend your family using these 8 fundamental principles.

The Love of the Family

While we each feel the need to have the love and support of family, we have a greater need to be a loving, contributing member of the God Family.

Foundational Principles of Marriage and Family

The institution of marriage is founded on spiritual principles reflecting the relationship of Christ and the church. Though God created male and female for different complementary roles in marriage and family, both share in the same ultimate spiritual potential. Marriage…

We All Want A Happy Family

What are we doing to develop our character and to assist those around us into a wonderful future in God's family? Let's look at important points that can help us in our development.