Feast of Trumpets

September 16, 2023

"Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, 'The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever'" (Revelation 11:15, English Standard Version).

The Day of Trumpets heralds the intervention of God in the affairs of humanity on a global basis—a dramatic turning point in world history and the return of Christ to this world.


Time to Wake Up

The Feast of Trumpets looks forward to an incredibly exciting time when the dead in Christ will wake up to everlasting life. It also serves as an important reminder that we who are alive today must be sure to be…
Photo of storm clouds over the ocean.

Preparing for the Return of Jesus Christ

There are two most important conditions that have to be met before Christ returns. What are these conditions? Where would you look to find the answer?

The Shadow of Trumpets

The Holy Days are shadows of things to come! Feast of Trumpets is a warning to us to wake-up from spiritual slumber!

Why Listen For The Trumpet?

The Feast of Trumpets represents the return of Jesus Christ. We know this will be accompanied by a trumpet blast heard around the world. But WHY are we listening? Is it only to save ourselves, or is there something more?

God's Promises Are Sure

The Feast of Trumpets represents a pivotal day in the plan of God. In this message, we review just how important it is!

The Return of Christ with the Saints

Let’s review what this day means for the Saints in God’s family.

Prelude to the Day of the Lord

As the first of four split sermons on the Feast of Trumpets, we will begin the day by examining the series of events leading up to, but NOT including, the loosing of the seventh seal and the blowing of seven…

The Pivotal Holy Day in God's Plan

Ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God's instruction, God has basically had a "hands off" policy towards mankind. When Jesus returns to this earth, God's approach will change dramatically to a "hands on" policy. What should we as Christians be…

Are you ready for the return of Jesus Christ?

Are you ready for the return of Jesus Christ? 'and the armies in heaven, clothed in white linen, (the resurrected saints of God), ---follow him (JESUS CHRIST) on white horses'. The return of Jesus Christ with His saints to make…

While You Wait

When asked about the signs preceding His return, Jesus Christ discussed world trends to watch, but also give specific instructions for His followers while they wait. Christians are to avoid deception and being troubled by these events, but rather are…