
Hazardous Journey

Sir Ernest Shackleton led three expeditions to the Antarctic. He recruited men for the expedition and informed them of the hardship they would endure and slim chance of success, yet they signed up and commenced on an epic adventure. Let’s…

A Blessing from God

Three characteristics of little children we can emulate in our spiritual lives.

The Resistive Cow

It is in our human nature to resist God, but with the influence and receiving of God's Holy Spirit, we can learn to be led where God wants us to go.

The Wandering Years

God brought the Israelites through the Red Sea, which was a type of their baptismal cleansing from the sinful society of Egypt they were departing. Instead of embracing God and His commandments, they wandered for 40 years in the wilderness…

Will We Follow God's Lead?

We are told over and over again in the Bible to "do this" or "do that", and "don't do this or that". We have been given instructions on how to live life and to the degree that we do, we…

What Is It To You?

So, how do we assure that we can get over our hang ups of worrying about why others seem to prosper while we seem to suffer? We need to understand that we need to focus on what WE are doing…

God On His Throne Forever

It seems like we live in a world with troubles all around us. In this sermon visiting pastor Mario Seiglie shows us three important principles from the Bible that give us comfort and strengthen our faith in what God is…

God on His Throne Forever

What can comfort more than anything else? Listen in to find out three points to keep in mind about our loving God sitting on His heavenly throne.

The Collapse of Nations-the Collapse of a People

Many believe we are plummeting toward the “end of the age”, or the “end of days”. If so then just what do we do in these dangerous times?

Follow Me

Our Journey in this life is a quest. We are strangers in a strange land. We are pilgrims. To complete the quest for the kingdom we must avoid the pitfalls of death and evil by following the author of life…