
Don't Keep Looking Back

Obviously there are times that it is proper and right to look back. God tells us to remember certain things. To remember requires looking back. God tells us to remember the mighty acts of God. Even though there are right…
If we continue to move forward through the obstacles of this life we will be accomplishing God's will for us. This will is to preach the gospel and continue to move forward.

Forward: Noun, Adjective, Adverb or Verb?

Yes, the United Church of God is a forward-looking church in verb mode more than any other. Stay with us and pray with us to discern what direction and decisions to make—knowing that God is telling us to “keep moving”...

Being Thankful for the Brethren

Being thankful is a necessary and beneficial thing. Of all the things we can and should be thankful for, the Brethren are one of the most important.

Forward: With a Belt, Boots, and a Branch

How to apply the essence of Israel’s exodus experience of as it pertains to the Days of Unleavened Bread.

The Best Is Yet to Come

We should not be living our lives in the past but living for the future. We need to stop looking back at the old days and look forward to how we can improve and change for a better future.

Go Forward

When the Israelites left Egypt, they felt trapped between the Sea with the Egyptians closing in on them. God told them simply to Go Forward.

Servants Now and in God's Kingdom

What must we learn today in order to become servants in God's Kingdom tomorrow.

FORWARD! You've Got to Stop to Go Forward!

I'm delighted to contribute to this new feature called "Forward!"—a short editorial designed to help us think in a, well, "forward" direction.