Four Horsemen of Revelation

The “four horsemen of Revelation” - mentioned in Revelation 6 - have intrigued Bible readers for centuries. What do they represent?

A sunrise coming over a mountain top lighting up the valley below.

The Horsemen of Revelation

Most Bible students focus only on the first four horsemen of Revelation 6. The phrase "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" is synonymous with frightening prophecies. But there is another horseman—a fifth, whose ride signifies a much different future and brings...
Visions of Judgment: The Horsemen of Revelation

Visions of Judgment

The "four horsemen of the Apocalypse"— this latter term being the Greek name for the book of Revelation—have intrigued Bible readers for centuries. What do they represent? The implications for mankind are staggering. In this first article of a series...
The white horse of false religion.

The Horsemen of Revelation

Some confuse this rider with Jesus Christ, whom Revelation 19 shows riding a white horse at His second coming. But a careful examination reveals important distinctions.