
Assyria In Bible History and Prophecy

The Church of God has long connected ancient Assyria (the empire that took the "lost" 10 tribes of Israel into captivity) with modern-day Germany. Join us for this Bible Study to see how that connection is made.

Current Events & Trends

After being hit with several small yet high-impact terror plots in the past couple of years, Germany is trying desperately to control its imported and home-grown terrorist threats.
Young Syrian males strike at a Hungarian railway station demanding transit to Germany in late 2015.

Current Events & Trends

Since the fall of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the Berlin Wall, Germany has experienced a good measure of progress, prosperity and peace.
German Leopard 2 battle tanks on maneuvers.

Current Events & Trends

Germany released a statement to the European Union (EU) pushing for a joint effort in military power.
Man reading the Koran

Current Events & Trends

As migrants continue to seek asylum in the relative peace of Europe’s borders, many questions must be asked, chief among them being whether two very different cultural systems can coexist peacefully.
Refugees traveling to Germany.

Current Events & Trends

In September 2015 more than 200,000 mostly Muslim refugees entered Germany—some fleeing from war-torn areas in their homelands, but many simply seeking a better economic future.
Refugee camp in Dresden, Germany.

German Opinion Changing About Refugee Influx

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's statement that there is no upper limit on the number of refugees the country would accept is causing concern among Germans, who worry the immigrants won't assimilate into their culture.
A line of Syrian refugees crossing the border of Hungary and Austria on their way to Germany.

Current Events & Trends

Germany has traditionally been a bastion of economic and social stability in the increasingly troubled eurozone. It also continues to be the leading state in the European Union, with France alongside it.
A village in Greece along the coastline.

Greece, Germany and the Future of Europe

Whether or not Greece agrees to the stringent terms of another European Union reform plan, the European power bloc is here to stay, and someday it will surprise the world.

Current Events & Trends

The heightened religious tensions in Jerusalem caused by ongoing Jewish-Muslim conflicts are spilling over to Europe.