
A Letter to the Widow Who Gave Just Two Coins

The Holy Day Offering is a gift of opportunity. We have been gifted by God to be able to share what He has given us, and that gift is passed down through the generations. A letter to the widow explains…

Give of Yourself

God is omnipresent and extends Himself throughout the universe. Ps. 139: 7-12. How can you extend yourself? By your personal example of conduct, but also by your offering, which is used to provide assistance, fund the church publications, produce the…

How Much Does God Expect Us to Give in an Offering?

God loves a cheerful giver. You can't out-give God.

What Can Children Teach Us About The Day of Atonement?

This Sermonette looks at three attributes in children that can help us keep The Day of Atonement wholeheartedly: humility, zeal and being a cheerful giver.

Counting "the Cost" of Your Free Gift

Speaker: Lud Kiramidjian 10/5/19 We have been freely given a great calling out of this world. Although free, our cost is to give God the love of Deuteronomy 6:5 because God paid the cost of John 3:16 and 1 Peter…

Gateway to the Millenium

Speaker: Tom Meece 9/30/19 Rosh Hashana is a Holy Day some have connected with a new economic year as well as other Jewish customs. This message addresses why it is called "The Feast of Trumpets" in the church of God…
A woman helping an elderly person in a wheelchair.

Reach Out to Others

A man once wrote that he felt sorry for himself because he had no shoes—until he met another man who had no feet.

Getting & Giving

Many of us have heard that "It is more blessed to give than receive," but is it wrong to receive? What are the lessons God wants us to learn from both giving and receiving?
A family wading in the waves of the ocean.

To Give Is a Blessing

To some, giving means we are losing. Most parents realize that their greatest rewards come from giving.

Bread Upon the Waters

A real world example of Ecclesiastes 11:1 - " Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days." As Christians, what does it mean to cast our bread upon the waters?