
Setting Goals for 2018

A life worth living is worth being recorded and if so, then goals, plans, vision and their realization should be considered and integral part of living a good life.

Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals

A well-defined goal is a S.M.A.R.T. goal, and is a method that can help us to accomplish those very goals.

Spirit and Truth

Where do you want to end up in the calling God has given you? It's a deep question, and we have to ask ourselves what do we have to be so that we end up in the Kingdom?

Christianity is a Way of Life, Not a Crash Diet

There are many crash diets that exist, but none of them have sustained success. This message will build a metaphor of the Christian way of life to a life-changing diet, including three keys that will help you reach your goal…

Don't Be Afraid To Set Goals

Recently, the Atlanta and Buford congregations were challenged by their pastor, Philip Aust (see sermon dated 11/4/17) to set individual goals - in fact 25 of them. Because some people may be struggling with this request, Michael Bannen in this…

Walk Forward So We Don’t Fall Back

Now that we have all returned from the Feast, do we have plans to apply what we heard in messages at the Feast? We can set goals for improvement as we go through this next year. What goals do we…

Using the SMART Process to Set Goals

We can use the framework of Prayer, Bible Study, and Meditation to set goals in our life. Goals that we can set to enhance our relationship with God and with the Brethren.

God on Goals - What Does the Next Year Hold For You?

Living without having planning ahead can lead to frustration and a life with achievement. In this sermon before the combined Atlanta and Buford GA congregations, Philip Aust, pastor of the two churches, discusses how we can set goals in our…

S.M.A.R.T. Goals at Home

The S.M.A.R.T. system gives organizations a way to determine their goals and measure their progress towards success. Let's use this same system to shed new light on time-tested principles in Scripture.

Keep Living It!

We have just completed keeping the Feast of Tabernacles which is a reminder to us of the world to come. We need to keep building the character of God in our lives and to not let our first love dissipate…