God the Father

"Jesus said to him...'He who has seen Me has seen the Father'" (John 14:9).

The Head of the God family, God the Father has existed alongside the One who would become Jesus Christ since before time began. Here you'll learn more about who He is and why you matter to Him.

Media Production

Why Is God So Unfair?

While people ask this question, the real problem is that humanity has created an unjust, broken world—far removed from God.
Media Production

Love is Love? Or God is Love?

People think they can define what is love regarding sexual behavior. But, this role belongs purely to our Creator.
A burning Bible.

The Conspiracy to Cancel God

An insidious campaign is underway right now to cancel God, His commandments and His values from people’s lives. How and why is this happening? What are its effects? How will it end?
Sunset over a mountain range.

A God Not Bound by Space and Time

If there is a God, why don't we see, hear or touch Him?
A person reading a Bible by a lamp.

Our Window of Opportunity

Closer than ever to the end of this present evil age, we have an unusual window of opportunity to search out the hidden purpose of our existence, to find our way back to God.
An illustration of the Israelites at Mount Sinai.

How Does God Reveal Himself?

If God is real, why doesn't He reveal Himself to us in a way that should erase any doubt of His existence?
A father and son.

Why Were You Born?

God created you with a specific purpose in mind.
A man standing by a lake in the mountains.

Meet God

If God exists, why doesn't He reveal Himself?
A man sitting on a rock on the beach.

Life's Purpose and the Consequences of Ideas

Does your life have meaning and purpose?
Planets in space.

Evidence All Around Us

Because God cannot be detected or measured by physical means, the scientific community has taken the position that He does not exist.