God the Father

"Jesus said to him...'He who has seen Me has seen the Father'" (John 14:9).

The Head of the God family, God the Father has existed alongside the One who would become Jesus Christ since before time began. Here you'll learn more about who He is and why you matter to Him.

Media Production

God Is a Family

The core message of the Bible opens up inspiring understanding about how we all fit into God's plan.
Media Production

Does God Like Camping?

Millions of Americans went camping this summer. A fascinating verse in the Psalms shows God's view on camping.

God's Love

Sermonette on God's love and how deep his love for us is.

Fundamental Belief #1: Part 2 - Jesus the Christ

Fundamentals of Belief sermon on God the Father and our relationship with him
Uma pessoa atrás das grades da porta da prisão.

How Grace Reconciles Us to God

God’s Word tells us that our sins have separated us from God. So what is the solution to this estrangement? God has provided a way through His grace.

God's Two Great Works

Many individuals are aware of the Great Commission of preaching the gospel to the world (Matthew 28). This is often referred to as "the Work." However, God is also performing another great work that is not emphasized enough from a…

Fundamental Belief #1: Part 1 - God the Father

Fundamentals of Belief sermon looking at the work of God the Father and how we need to get to know him better.

Who is the Angel of God's Presence?

What is the role and significance of the Angel of God’s presence? What name does scripture reveal as the forever name of God the Father? Though some assert that the name Yahweh always refers to the Father, we will see…

The First Commandment

The First Commandment tells us to have no other Gods before Him. In order to do that, we need to have a clear concept of God and His love for us. In this sermon, we review the First Commandment.

Who is the Angel of the LORD?

Join us for this eye opening message titled "Who is the Angel of the LORD? Do you understand who the Angel of the Lord is in Exodus 23:20? This question is answered and more in this fascinating video sermon.