
Leaven is a food additive, which causes bread or bread products to rise. In the Bible, leaven pictures sin.


Why do we Observe Unleavened Bread?

During the days of unleavened bread people sometimes ask us why we are eating unleavened bread. We usual give a short answer about how leaven pictures sin during these seven days. In his Holy day sermon Mr. Smith explains in…

The Parable of Leaven

In Matthew 13:33, Jesus explained that the Kingdom would grow. The world Jesus returns to won't automatically embrace Him as leader, but through teaching and training, eventually the entire world will.

The Leaven of Herod

Why did Jesus include the phrase "the leaven of Herod" in Mark 8:15? This message brings us to understand why this reference was made.

The Leaven of Herod

Why did Jesus refer to "the leaven of Herod" in Mark 8:15? This message reveals the answer for us to understand the lesson behind this reference.

Removal of Leaven, Removal of Sin

A sermon about the removal of leaven and how it pictures the removal of sin in our lives.

The Leaven that Transforms the World

Unleavened Bread teaches us a little leaven quickly corrupts the whole lump. Sin dominates in this world, but Jesus Christ gives us hope now and for the future. We must keep the Big Picture in mind, and remember our important…

Putting Sin Out of Our Lives Through Fasting

There are many lessons to look at during Passover and the Days of Unleavened Beard. Putting sin out of our lives, like leavening, allows us to look for a proper replacement. Fasting offers an opportunity to focus on getting closer…

Beyond Today

I have always appreciated our Holy Days; an opportunity to pause, reflect and look inwardly. At sunset we can bring back the physical leaven into our lives, while trying to remember the need to remain unleavened spiritually. Let’s look at…

Leaving Sin Behind Us

Len Martin gives a sermon on the First Day of Unleavened Bread about leaving sin behind us

How Unleavened Bread Glorifies God

The living God, in His unique way, uses common examples of things and events to help mold us into their likeness. Listen and hear how They use leavening and our need for the unleavened bread to do that.