
Sagacious Development

As we strive for the wisdom of God, the ancient sayings the Eternal has given us in His Scriptures guides us in our every day lives and develops us towards His future kingdom. We will search the word of God…

Disciples of Rabbi Jesus

We are disciples of Jesus Christ. But what does the word "disciple" mean? What was the rabbi-disciple relationship like when Jesus had His 12 disciples, and what can we learn from it? When we answer these questions we'll have a…

Overcoming Human Nature

In this message today we will focus on the spirit and forgiveness Christ blessed us with

What Happens After You Die?

There is much confusion in this world as to what happens to us after we die. Here is what is written about our future after death as written in our Holy Bibles. The truth written in scriptures may well surprise…

My Two Answers

After two decades I found the answers to two questions. 1) Why did so many believe the teachings so easily in 1995? 2) Why am I still here? Answer: 1) God gave the church a delusion. II Thess. 2:9-13. God…

I Urge You Brethren

God wants us to be transformed. We must learn to think like God and not like the world around us. Commitment to God's way must be the most important aspect of of lives. Throughout His Word God urges us to…

Golf and Christian Living

Living as a Christian in this world is never short of its challenges, much like golf. In order to stay on the path to righteousness, we must be disciplined to make every decision with precision and care, so as to…

Things That Matter

As a Christian, are you paying attention to the areas of Christian Living that are really important, or could you be "Majoring in the Minors"? How can you determine what really matters in your Christian walk?

Living By God's Word

Pentecost AM Sermon. Reviewing the events of the Day of Pentecost and using them as we strive to live By God's word.

The Sixth Sabbath

Jesus worked with His disciples admonishing, encouraging, teaching and preparing them for the next step in the Plan of Salvation, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the church. These things happened during the Feast of Weeks as they counted…