
Why Does Our Church Emphasize Truth Instead of Love?

A systematic biblical look at how biblical truth and godly love are intertwined; one flows from the other, and cannot be separated without losing the full picture of both.

Let Godly Love Truly Define Us All!

Jesus Christ said that His followers, His disciples would be known by the love that they have for one another. Here are three principles to help us all grow in Godly love, so Godly love may truly define us all!

Does God Punish You for Others' Sins?

Some people believe they are under a family curse because of Exodus 34:7. Does this passage mean children are guilty for their parents’ sins? If not, what is God saying here?
A couple standing on a bridge with umbrellas

Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?

God intended marriage to be a lifetime date, but it is very easy to take our mate for granted. Emma’s story shows the importance of expressing love and appreciation every day.

Love Will Grow Cold

We often read about the signs before the return of Jesus and focus on the peril. What about love? Do you consider the warning that love will grow cold as a major event prior to His coming?
Photo of two plaques with the Ten Commandments written on them in English and Spanish.

The Ten Commandments Series

During Jesus’ last Passover observance with His disciples, He made a profound announcement that is misinterpreted by many and not well appreciated by many others. In reality, it was revolutionary.

Apostle Paul

Was the Apostle Paul a commandment keeper? What did Paul teach about the commandments of God? Today we will take a look at Paul’s clear instructions regarding the law.

Do You Love Your Brother?

Just before His crucifixion, Jesus gave His disciples a New Commandment; they they would love one another, just as Jesus had loved them. How are we doing in this regard? Who is your brother? Do you love your brother? It's…

Friends, Family and Faith

We're fasting this weekend, partly to "look to the needs of others." We were reminded in the calling for this fast that "We have brethren around the world in desperately poor places...whom we can't even directly help at this time…


Grounded is a simple word with several different definitions. This message will highlight one of the meanings that is positive and focused on love.