
A Matter of Words

It can be important how we explain what God is doing. An example of " group speak", will be looked at in light of the warning of Proverbs 18:21, a reminder of the power of words. Confusion can arise for…

God in the Gap

How do we respond when confronted with difficult situations, where we just don't understand why and for what purpose they occur? There are many areas where our knowledge is incomplete. This message discusses these voids in our lives and encourages…

Meaning in the Seemingly Meaningless

When we lose a job or we're stuck in a bad one, or we can't find a spouse or it's been years of the same day in and day out routine we wonder what's the point? At times we just…

Scriptural Misunderstandings

Many scriptures, if misunderstood, have a completely different meaning than context and other biblical references prove they have. Therefore, it's important to review to make sure we're properly understanding the precious truths God wants us to know.

Don't Take the Holy Days for Granted

There is great meaning and purpose in the Holy Days, but sometimes we can lose sight of that. Remember to never take the Holy Days for granted.

Beware the Leavening of the Pharisees

Are we simply keeping the Days of Unleavened Bread or are we taking in the meaning behind the holy day season? What measures can we take to make sure we are being Christian and not just playing the part?


Context is everything. Without context, we lose out on important meaning and understanding.

His Chosen People

What does "chosen generation" mean to us, and what is our responsibility to that title?
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?