

Do you ever get tired of all the bad news you see exploited in today's 24/7 media? You know the type I'm talking about. Today's news is filled with out-of-control celebrities who have more money than common sense. Every time...

Media, Marketing and Cool

Don't be swayed by advertising and media feeding you what is cool- use the Bible as a guide to make your own choices.

Teaching Values to Your Child

It's no secret that much of the media our children are exposed to promotes values contrary to Christian values. How can we teach them how to decide what music to listen to and which movies to see?

Why Are Americans So Obsessed with Celebrities?

We are a celebrity conscious culture. I read sometime ago that one third of Americans are obsessed with celebrities. But what about the real news that celebrity gossip denies the public?

Dethroning the Media Gods

Consider how the mass media conditions your mind—and what you can do about it.

Building a Solid Foundation -- Part 3

Current television fare compromises true family values such as respect for authority and elders and displays violence and sex as the norm. But, as parents, we possess tools we should utilize to provide a decent foundation for our children.

World News and Trends

What kind of magazines are men reading nowadays? For that matter, what are women reading? Look at any well-stocked magazine rack and you'll see seemingly endless glossy, slick magazines for both men and women.

You Can Win the War Against the Family

Modern pop culture is robbing children of their innocence while undermining their character growth by addicting them to random violence, filthy language and explicit sex. In spite of this subtle brainwashing, you can still win the war being waged against...

Biting the Hand that Feeds


To See or Not to See

Making a decision as simple as what movie to watch might seem trivial, but the main idea of this controversial debate is powerful. What we let into our minds determines what we will think about and dwell on, and shapes...