
What is a Mother?

Mother's Day provides a day to celebrate mothers, but it's also important to study the Biblical significance of mothers.

Mother's Day

This sermon looks at the examples of several mothers in the Bible.

Learning from Hannah’s Example

Hannah had a lot of admirable traits, one of which was her complete dedication to God. She gave the most precious thing she had to God’s service. How much are we focused on using those things that are precious to…


The most important person in your life is your mother. Treat her with respect and honor.

The Hand That Rocks the Cradle

Mothers are vital to the training of the next generation. In a world which encourages women to vacate their traditional roles in the family; God’s church recognizes their special role in the use of their loving power of influence upon…


A person's future is dependent on many things, but few rival the influence of their mother.

Satan's Attack on the Family

Looking at just a few of the many ways Satan does to destroy the Traditional Family.


Only a mother can fulfill some of our deepest needs.
Four Lies About Motherhood

Four Lies About Motherhood

Can you imagine today’s U.S. Congress declaring a national Mother’s Day? It did in 1914, but a century later it feels like just another holiday running on Hallmark-card autopilot.

Wanting to Win for Mom

Does celebrating Mother’s Day fulfill the instruction to honor mother and father? It’s not a one time or one day requirement. Let’s look at 5 ways to show appreciation to our parents.