
The Spring of Hope

The benefits of reflecting God's Nature of Give in our lives.

Flowing, Not Stagnant

Applying the natural phenomena of the abundance of life brought on by flowing water as an analogy in our Christian walks.

If You Were a Tree, What Kind of a Tree Would You Be?

Trees are mentioned frequently in the Bible. Many qualities of God are symbolized by specific trees. Are we, as Christians, developing these Godly characteristics symbolized by types of trees?
A family walking in a park.

Go Outside!

Building a closer family, and a closer relationship with God, by spending time together in nature.

Study Nature

It is difficult for anyone living close to the land and close to nature to believe there is no Creator.
The Spider and Its Web

The Spider and Its Web

One evening I was sitting on the porch meditating on creation. While observing the life around me, a family of deer walked by.
Spend Time in Nature!

Spend Time in Nature!

When you take a stroll outdoors, do you ever wonder why it makes you feel so good? Connecting with nature can actually improve your health and well-being.

Belief in God Is a Choice

Have you heard of the flower that is pollinated by “tricking” bees into taking a bath or of the flower that “shoots” its pollen onto a bee’s back? We can see the design of the Creator—if we choose to.

World News and Trends

A worldwide survey has revealed that "the world's forests are being stripped of their rarest trees."

World News and Trends

The research journal Science recently documented some of the enormous impact mankind has had on the planet.