News and Prophecy

Wars, politics, crimes- it seems like all the news is bad news. When times are turbulent, we can remember our hope and anchor is the good news of the Kingdom of God.


Coronavirus and the Pale Horse

The recent outbreak of the coronavirus that started in China has made world news and triggered a “global health emergency.” Where do these new viruses come from? And how might they relate to the fourth horse of the apocalypse—the pale…

Coronavirus and the Pale Horse

The recent outbreak of the coronavirus that started in China has made world news and triggered a “global health emergency.” Where do these new viruses come from? And how might they relate to the fourth horse of the apocalypse—the pale…

The Spirits Directing World News

News does not predict the future events. God decides and sets up governments and rulers. Discover how the Bible backs this up.
Media Production

Is the Rapture Real?

As a Christian you may think Jesus will rapture you to heaven during a future time of world crisis. But what if He doesn't?
Media Production

Anti-Semitism At Liberal American Colleges

Time for another update on this virulent pathogen.

Current Events & Trends

In a recent interview on Irish television, British actor and comedian Stephen Fry, a famous atheist, was asked what he would say to God if God turned out to be real and he were confronted by Him.

Current Events & Trends

The harsh reality of the unbelievably brutal tactics employed by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) continues to shock the world’s sensibilities.

Current Events & Trends

Belief in God is waning in most Western countries, along with a general increase in atheism.

Current Events & Trends

The philosophy of secular humanism is the leading belief system in entertainment, journalism and science.


The controversy over Hilary Clinton’s e-mail arrangement while Secretary of State points out how easy it is for us to be distracted from bigger events in the world. There are two items in the news that we should note.