
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).

Raising a child can be a daunting and, at times, completely overwhelming task. Why not approach it with the help of the world's greatest repository of wisdom—the Bible?

A dad playing with his kids.

Where Have All the Fathers Gone?

A devastating epidemic is leaving a trail of broken hearts and broken dreams in its wake. What is this tragic outbreak? It’s the epidemic of disappearing fathers, who are sorely needed.
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The Biblical Way for Raising Happy Children

Learn three methods that bring good results in helping children grow from foolish to wise behavior.
A parent and child walking on a beach.

A Foretaste of Tomorrow

The desire for a happy, lasting marriage blessed with children who grow up to be successful, morally responsible adults is truly the universal dream.
A mother and daughter working together on a project.

Bringing Up a Moral Child

Many parents, including single parents, are raising well-adjusted, moral children who successfully enter adulthood. Why are these families successful when so many others are not?
A young boy giving an apple to girl a school.

Personality Differences and Temperament

Because each child is a unique human being in terms of the way he or she thinks and acts, parents often wonder whether these differences should affect their parenting.
Two siblings fight over a stuffed teddy bear with the mom in the background.

Sibling Rivalry

How can sibling rivalry be minimized?
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What Legacy Will You Leave?

What kind of legacy does God want us to leave to our children?

Raising Children

Raising children starts with the parents and their relationship to God. That is the most important factor in being successful in raising healthy and happy children.
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Three Tips for Parents

How can we work with children to help them learn and grow?

Am I Pleasing God?

In a split sermon, Charles Graby, a deacon serving in Atlanta and Buford, discusses how as young children, we desire to please our parents. Do we also as God's called children have a desire to please him?