
May 28, 2023

Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call" (Acts 2:38-39).

Pentecost serves as an annual reminder that our Creator still works miracles, granting His Spirit to those called to be the firstfruits of His spiritual harvest, empowering them to carry out His work in this world.

Media Production

The Path to Pentecost: Out, Into the Streets! - Part 7

How do you deal with fear? What did the disciples do after Jesus was resurrected, and what can we learn from the Bible record?
Media Production

The Path to Pentecost: You Shall Receive Power - Part 6

Jesus promised His disciples they would soon receive special divine power to carry out the mission of preaching the gospel to all nations. How does God's Spirit work in the lives of Christians?
Media Production

The Path to Pentecost: The Great Commission - Part 5

One of Jesus' final instructions to His disciples involved three key elements. Learn what they are, and how the preaching of the gospel is the most exciting story throughout all history.
Media Production

The Path to Pentecost: In Galilee, By the Sea - Part 4

Jesus chose the beautiful setting near the Sea of Galilee to teach His disciples important lessons about the work they were to do.
Media Production

The Path to Pentecost: Dealing with Doubt and Unbelief - Part 3

After His resurrection, Jesus made a dramatic appearance to the disciples. What did Christ say, and how can His words help us today to overcome fears and doubt?
Media Production

The Path to Pentecost: The Road to Emmaus - Part 2

An amazing story is recorded about one of Jesus' first appearances after His resurrection. It gives us lessons for today.
Media Production

The Path to Pentecost: Encounter in the Garden - Part 1

Part 1 of a new series begins with the inspiring and fascinating account of Jesus Christ's resurrection from the perspective of the disciples.
creation series pentecost cover
Study Aid Issue - Family Study Guides

Seeing God Through Creation: The Day of Pentecost

This Family Study, Seeing God through Creation, The Day of Pentecost reviews the meaning of the word “Pentecost,” what Pentecost pictures, and how it fits into God’s plan of salvation. We need the special gift of God’s Holy Spirit, which...
A man looking at a Bible.

The Biblical Festivals That Teach Us About Jesus Christ

Few people are aware of the seven festivals God reveals in the Bible. Even fewer are aware that they center around and teach us a great deal about Jesus Christ and His role in God’s plan for all mankind.

What Does It Mean?

Those present at the first Pentecost in the New Testament raised the question "What Does This Mean?". If the Church is to fulfill the mission God gave it, this question must be answered. This sermon will address that question and…