
The Spiritual Gyroscope

Today’s high-tech gyroscopes have numerous scientific and transportation-related uses. For example, they are an integral part of the inertial guidance systems that control space booster rockets and orbiting satellites. They are also employed in sophisticated automatic piloting systems in aircraft…

Fundamental Belief #1: Part 3 - The Holy Spirit

Fundamentals of Belief sermon looking at the Power of God through the Holy Spirit.

Satan, Our Enemy

We need to understand who our spiritual enemy is and to become aware of the power of his deceptive tools he uses against us. In doing so, we grow in reliance upon our Saviour, Jesus Christ, and in our appreciation…

A Series of Questions

Mr. John Miller, 07/27/2019 " A series of Questions"

The Holy Spirit: The Foundation of Eternal Life

Mr. John White gives a pre-Pentecost sermon at how important the Holy Spirit is to our lives.

The Universe Proves God Power

In 1883 the Volcano Krakatoa, in what is now Indonesia destroyed a told 70% of the island and archipelago. This is just a recent example of the power of God.

The Overwhelming Force of God's Holy Spirit

The nations of the world seek power to resist real or potential enemies. But what about you? When you have God and His indisputable power on your side, you can be fully confident He will see you through every trouble…

Paul's Spiritual Wisdom to Timothy

Today, I would like to discuss a practical application of God’s Spirit. I would like to do this by looking at a few verses that Paul wrote to a young evangelist named Timothy. In looking at Paul’s comments we can…


The Holy Spirit is a predominant theme of Pentecost. Why do we need the holy spirit?

The Awesome Power of God's Holy Spirit

There are many things that have power in this world, we see these examples in nature and what mankind has made, but God has given us something greater than all these things.