
The Day of Small Things

Some individuals throughout history have had a tremendous impact on others. But for us, this is a day of "small things" (taken from Zechariah 4:10) where our influence on the world around is strictly limited. Is that something to be…

The Compassionate One

Discover the difference between showing mercy and having power and authority. Learn how it affects others.

The Power of Power

All power has been given to Jesus Christ. We also have a certain amount of power, including the power to make decisions.

Pentecost: God Dwells In Humans

On the Feast of Pentecost, Philip Aust, pastor of the Atlanta and Buford congregations, discusses the significant event that occurred on Pentecost that altered the course of history. He then lists the changes that were made possible by the Holy…

The Animating Spirit of Life

God the Father, the Might One, gives all things to fulfill His eternal plan. His divine nature is one of them.

The 10th Commandment

As wealth in our society grows so does income inequality, which creates more resentment and frustration as we are increasingly tempted to covet those things we see that belong to our neighbor. Yet covetry goes well beyond money, but instead…

Take Away My Sins

John 3:1-10 Difficult scripture in application. One cannot treat sin with indifference. Christ crucified is still a stumbling block and foolishness to most today.

One, Two, Three or More?

Letting the Bible answer, God is how many beings?

The Power of Small Things

Jesus shared seven parables that describe the coming Kingdom of God – one of the more famous being the parable of the mustard seed. Most look at this parable as describing how small things turn into large things, but is…

A Matter of Words

It can be important how we explain what God is doing. An example of " group speak", will be looked at in light of the warning of Proverbs 18:21, a reminder of the power of words. Confusion can arise for…