
Old Testament Prophecies of the Coming of Christ: Proof of the Bible

In a split-sermon, deacon Steve Holladay discusses a few of the Old Testament prophecies that speak of Jesus Christ's first coming. These provide for all mankind clear proof of the authenticity of God's Word - the Bible

Guidelines for Understanding Biblical Prophecy

Take time to study and understand the prophecies of Scripture. They can give greater personal clarity as to why the life decisions you make matter and help you see the choices you make as steps toward a very positive future.

Three Days and Three Nights in The Grave: 70 weeks Prophecy Fulfilled

People often want God to prove Himself. "Let me see some miracle or mighty act. Then I will truly believe." What if one of those mighty acts were indelibly written into human history that would be helpful! But where is…

Fulfilled Prophecy, Proof of the Bible

How can you prove that the Bible is true? Fulfillment of prophecy shows proof of God's existence. One example of fulfilled prophecy is the destruction of Tyre as prophecied in Ezekiel 26.

The Three Elijahs

God sent many prophets to bring certain messages to His people at certain times. He sent the prophet Elijah to bring a strong message, and there was a prophecy about a second Elijah. There is even a brief mention of…

Before the Trumpets

Mankind is now coming to the point in history where we are able to fulfill the prophecies given in scripture of the end of the age.

Overview of Prophecy, Part 2

Part 2 of our overview of prophecy discusses events that will take place as time draws near for the opening of the 5th seal of Revelation. That seal introduces the final 3-1/2 year period of time called the Great Tribulation.

What Brexit May Mean in Biblical Prophecy, Part 1

Just a few weeks ago the British electorate stunned the world by voting to leave the European Union. Many in the world were absolutely shocked by the result. The Western media was talking about it for days. Europeans are still…

Overview of Prophetic Events, Part 1

The disciples asked Jesus for the signs of His coming. This sermon is part 1 of a three-part series on prophecy. It discusses the first four seals of Revelation: false religion, wars, famine and pestilence.

Why Prophecy?

How many times have we heard scripture over and over again and always found something new? Our world is filled with fast changing times. We look to the future for answers. Today we want to ask the question "Why Prophecy?".