A young woman reading a book while walking on path lined by trees.

Choose Your Own Adventure

Make choices every day that lead toward the ultimate goal: the Kingdom of God.

The Word of God

The importance of reading and studying the Bible. The Bible is the most interesting and important book you can read.

Choose to Grow

Is the Feast still impacting your life? What can we do to keep the inspiration and motivation to grow throughout the year? Spiritual growth isn't automatic. It only happens intentionally, when we choose it. How can we choose to grow?

Learning About People and Learning About God

Read and study the Bible to learn about people and God.

A Lamp, A Vessel and Abundant Oil

We tend to act as if there is all the time in the world, but is that a wise thing to do?
Read the Book - Start reading the Bible today.

Read the Book

Advertising executive and author Bruce Barton called it "The Book Nobody Knows." No other book is more important to you and your future.