
Christ: The Atonement for All

The Day of Atonement is all about how we become God's people. How can that happen? Sin entered the picture, causing a great separation. This message describes how that separation has been removed. The Day of Atonement reminds us how…

We Are Here, Remember Us

Does God forget His people? No, but sometimes the Bible says He remembers them. What does it mean to be remembered by God? Do we pray for Him to remember us?

Fundamental Belief #1: Part 1 - God the Father

Fundamentals of Belief sermon looking at the work of God the Father and how we need to get to know him better.

Prayer: A Connection To Our Heavenly Father

God is aware when we are praying. Christ set the example of continuous contact with His Father in heaven. Prayer establishes our relationship with God and daily prayer allows us to submit ourselves to our Father.

The Holy Day of Pentecost

Bible Study: Pentecost has many names but only one significance which is God's Holy Spirit being freely given to mankind to better enhance his relationship to Him.

10 Days Without God

The disciples had 10 days without God. How can we do even1 day? They had to rely on the same words Moses used...Be strong and of good courage. They remained faithful. We need to as well. Don't let go!

The Love of the Father and Son in Our Relationships

Through studying the life of Christ, His words and actions, we are able to come to an understanding of His character and in turn, that of the Father. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we are able to put…

Work Out Your Own Salvation

Reviewing material from the Philippians Bible Study - it is important for us to pursue our own relationship with God.

What Does it Mean to be Made in the Image of God?

The basic characteristics God gives us, He has Himself.


Looking at the disciple, Peter, and his relationship with the Christ, Jesus.