
Judaism: The Religion of the Jews Part 2

How did Judaism develop? How is modern Judaism different than the religion of ancient Israel? What are Mishna and Midrash? What is Sophrim? Answers to these questions are found in this message.

Judaism, the Religion of the Jews, Part 2

Upon their return from exile and under the rule of the Persians, the Jew's faithfully followed the law of Moses as administered by the Levitical priesthood. What happened after Greece conquered Persia and took possession of Palestine forever changed the…

Now and Then

We live in a country that is turning its back on God and a world filled with trouble. The modern descendants of Israel are prophesied to fall suddenly, and the world will be an even darker place. We are in…

Are We Worshiping God The Way He Wants?

Throughout the history of mankind, there have been two religious systems; The true religion of God and the false religious system created by man. Today we'll look at what exactly is wrong with keeping Christmas from God's perspective while exploring…

Own Your Faith!

Do you hide your light under a basket? Don't be ashamed or embarrassed by your faith or else Christ may be ashamed of you!
A young woman reading a Bible on a old table.

How Can I Know Christianity Is the One True Religion?

The Bible claims Christianity is the one true religion, but can we confirm that through other means? Yes.

How Do We Know Our Religion Is the Real Thing?

How do we know the path we choose to follow, our religion, is the religious truth that Jesus taught?
A large jellyfish swimming in the deep blue ocean.

A Scientist's Journey to God

We may have heard it said that science and God are incompatible. But that isn’t the case, as this scientist shows how studying her chosen field has helped develop a deeper relationship with God.
Tradition, Lifestyle or Religion

Tradition, Lifestyle or Religion?


Will Religion Become a Thing of the Past?

Many in the Western world view religion as passé, old-fashioned and irrelevant to modern life. Ironically, the Bible also tells of a time when there will be a famine of the knowledge of God.