
World News and Trends

Pope Benedict XVI recently spoke out against proposed legislation in Britain that could have forced religious organizations to hire homosexuals and restricted their freedom to speak out against behavior they consider sinful. He urged Catholic bishops to fight such government...

FORWARD! Religion With Sacrifice

Mahatma Gandhi said that there are seven things—seven deadly social sins—that will destroy a people, society or nation: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, business without ethics, science without humanity, politics without principles and religion without sacrifice.

The Anglo-Catholic Unity Conundrum

Why does the Roman Catholic Church now seek to recruit disenchanted Anglican priests and lay members? How will Pope Benedict's ostensibly generous offer ultimately affect Europe? How do these European religious movements fit into Bible prophecy?

The Religion of Evolution

Evolution does not merely dismiss a Creator. It rejects any spiritual meaning for our existence.
The silhouette of a young woman with the sun setting in the background.


Influential thinkers like Karl Marx and Richard Dawkins teach that God is a man-made delusion believed in only by fools. But is that really the case?

World News and Trends

A recent cover story in USA Today revealed that "the percentage of people who call themselves some type of Christian has dropped more than 11% in a generation" ("Almost All Denominations Losing Ground, Survey Finds," March 10, 2009).

Standing Fast

Are we wearing our armor?


Christianity has been under increasing assault from those who believe it to be a source of oppression, ignorance, prejudice and superstition. But the facts show that Christianity has had the most beneficial influence on humanity of any religion or philosophy...

Right or Wrong Who Decides

Is there no end in sight to the contradictions and confusions in legal definitions of morality? No, not as long as lawmakers ignore the true basis for morals.

Spiritual Restlessness

Finding lost sheep is one of Christ’s specialties.