
Christ, My Passover

As the Passover approaches, we recognize many aspects of that day. But, what should be our focus? This sermon addresses our approach and focus concerning Passover.

Do This in Remembrance of Me

A look at what we are to remember at the Passover and the importance of those symbols of 1 Cor 11:24-25.

In Remembrance of Him

All of the Holy Days require us to do some planning and forethought. We need to make ourselves ready both physically and spiritually. We need to rehearse the meaning of the day. How is our planning going for the Passover…

Remembering and Forgetting

The Bible has much to say about things to be or not to be remembered or forgotten. This message looks at things God remembers, things we are commanded to remember, things not to remember, things to not forget, and the…

FORWARD! "Lights in the World"

Yad Vashem is the name of the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem.