
"And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting contempt" (Daniel 12:2).

The Bible talks in many places of three distinct resurrections, where those who have died are brought back to life in three separate groups for three separate reasons. What's the story behind these resurrections—and does it matter which one you're in?


Christ's Death, Resurrection and Ascension

April 12, 2020 at 6:32 here in Portsmouth, they will be celebrating Easter. This is when they say Christ rose from the dead. We believe they have it wrong. Wednesday, Nisan 14, 31 A.D. Christ died. 3 days later He…

Our Father in HEAVEN

Where does the Bible state that our Father resides? And what is its implication for you as a future member of the God Family?

Humility Brings to Bear Powerful Healing for the Christian

The Passover teaches us many valuable spiritual lessons. Here is another lesson connected to foot washing aspect of the Passover

Gifts from the Father of Lights

The most vital elements for your success are freely offered gifts. But, do you really want these special gifts? What are you doing with them?

Raised with Christ

We are called to be raised to be with Christ, both now and at the Resurrection. Salvation involves a process of seeking first the Kingdom and God's righteousness, which requires diligence by all involved. The will of God is that…

Children For the God Family

Understanding Bible analogies relating to those being granted entrance into the Divine Family.

Tell Me Brother, Will We See Him Again?

We can gain absolute answers to the question “Will we live again” from the scripture. The knowledge of the Resurrection is core to the Gospel and has the power to change our life.

Tell Me Brother, What Happens When We Die?

The death of a loved one gives us opportunity to share a message of hope, peace, and comfort at a time when it may be well received.

Paul's Witness To The Resurrection

Some in Corinth, being influenced by false teaching, were not believing in Christs resurrection. Paul was a strong witness to Corinth of the reality of Christ's resurrection. The promise being that as Christ was the first born from the dead…

It's a Matter of Life and Death!

What happens after death? What about the resurrections?