
What Have We Learned From 9/11?

No one knew the day or hour when terrorists would strike at the heart of America. Christ, the revelator, is telling us no one will know the exact time of His return.

Has World War III Already Begun?

Five years after the devastating Sept. 11 attacks, the West remains far from where it should be in the growing conflict between the Western democracies and radical Islam.

Five Years After 9/11

Five years have now elapsed since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks stunned the entire world. So far no similar terrorist attacks have occurred in the United States, and only a few have impacted the rest of the Western world. Could...

Intelligence Failure-From Listening to the Wrong People?

Sept. 11 and the war in Iraq have both been partially blamed on bad intelligence. It came as no surprise to this World News and Prophecy writer.

America vs. Iraq or America vs. the World?

One year after Sept. 11, in the debate on terrorism, America is often seen as the villain, no longer as the victim. Why do so many people around the world hate America?

What the West Doesn't Realize

Islamic fundamentalism became front-page news after Sept. 11. There certainly had been plenty of warning, although nobody could have predicted the precise way in which terrorists would get the West's attention. Few would have listened anyway.

Will God Continue to Bless America? If Not, Why Not?

After the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, many Americans, including people of faith, continue to ask, "Why did God let this happen?" A year later, let's reflect on the terrorist attacks and their aftermath from a biblical perspective.

Sept. 11 Aftermath Highlights U.S. Strengths and Weaknesses

America's response to the awful events of Sept. 11 has highlighted both the strengths and weaknesses of the nation. Ironically, some of its greatest strengths are also potentially great weaknesses.


America's tendency to forget, to put the past and the rest of the world behind them, is a contributing factor to Americans being less informed about world affairs than many of the world's peoples.

One Year After Sept. 11

A year after suicide hijackers killed almost 3,000 men, women and children in attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, what have we learned?